Yoga Teacher, Yoga for Veterans, Comeback Yoga Classes, Class Types, Yoga Teacher Requirements, Certified Yoga Alliance, Teacher Responsibilities — Comeback Yoga

Teaching for Comeback Yoga


Are you a dedicated yoga teacher looking to be of service to veterans?

Thanks to the commitment of our teachers, Comeback Yoga can support thousands of veterans each year. We are always looking for qualified yoga teachers who are passionate about our mission. Are you interested in joining our team? Please read the below requirements and responsibilities, then reach out with the required information.


Comeback Yoga classes meet the students as they are and tailor the physical practice to the veterans in the room. They tend to be slower in pace and gentler in nature. Each class is unique, yet follows some basic guidelines centered around no hands-on assists, offering visual and verbal cueing, and language choice.

What do our classes look like?

  • Practice on your mat while teaching 

  • No hands-on assists

  • Typically, classes are slower in pace and gentle in nature (there are certain classes where this varies, please follow the lead of the Comeback teacher you are co-teaching with)

  • Teach a simple practice that it is accessible to all in the room

  • Use a concise and simple language. Resist flowery language and aum for tangible cues.

  • When it makes sense, offer choice.

    Be flexible with what you are prepared to teach, teach to who is the room versus sticking with a set sequence.

Teacher Requirements

  • Certified through Yoga Alliance as a RYT 200 or higher

  • Currently insured to teach

  • Passionate to support veterans and military community

  • Reliable transportation as our classes run rain, snow or shine

  • Knowledgeable about trauma informed yoga or willing to learn skills to become trauma informed (training provided)

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Ability to teach varied levels in the same class, and to shift their class plans easily to accommodate the students in the room.​

  • Teach trauma informed yoga classes that are also culturally appropriate for veterans.

  • When committing to teach (whether as a sub or permanent teacher) 

  • Attend required trainings through the duration of the teaching commitment with Comeback Yoga. 

  • Regularly report attendance to the Comeback Yoga team. 

How to Apply

If you are interested in teaching with us, please click here to send an email to the Program Director with the required information listed below.

  • Name

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

Attach two documents: 

  • Cover Letter & Resume (in one .pdf document)

  • Proof of Insurance

Comeback Yoga Teacher Resources