If you told him at that time he would enjoy yoga, certainly his reaction would not have been positive. However, one morning while lifting weights with a friend, they put a yoga program on in the background. In between sets, he tried a few poses and couldn’t believe standing still could be so challenging.
Due to chronic back pain, he decided to give yoga a try. Dan practiced yoga off and on, primarily on his own, for about fifteen years. After moving to Denver two years ago, he joined VFW Post 1 and began practicing yoga there. He discovered an inviting and fun atmosphere. Over time, he decided to become a teacher and serve his fellow vets.
Dan’s spirit of yoga is enjoyment and celebration, so his classes are lighthearted and relaxed. He invites you to try yoga a few times like he did. Perhaps you will experience the many benefits as well. You can find Dan at the Golden VA, Buckley AFB and other locations around Denver.