Tiffany has been a yoga teacher and bodyworker since 2004. While she has studied many different approaches to health and movement throughout the years, her passion has always been rooted in a physical practice that offers wider-reaching mental and emotional benefits.
Her fascination with the adaptability of the human mind and body has inspired her to work specifically with people who have experienced significant challenges. She is not a veteran herself, but has witnessed the effects of combat on several family members and friends.
In her private practice as a massage and craniosacral therapist, she has been privileged to accompany many veterans on a path of healing and presence. She believes the most effective methods are often the simplest. Her teaching style incorporates breath work, meditation, and coordinated movement with an emphasis on exploration and self-expression.
She looks forward to the learning experience Comeback Yoga offers both teachers and students. You will find Tiffany at Personal Best Denver West and other Comeback Yoga classes throughout the Denver Metro Area.